Wednesday, February 29, 2012

, , What is something you can create that would ente

What is something you can create that would entertain, amuse and intrigue people? It could be a fun game or a funny video; anything that will get people's interest. You know the types of thing people pass around in emails to each other - "Here, check this out!" Those are the things that go viral quickly. History Proves a Point Lots of major companies have & continue to use viral marketing as one of their Internet marketing solutions. In fact one of the first big viral campaigns was Microsoft's Hotmail, as you know a free email that anybody could use. It helped to turn them into the household name that they are today. Now, it's your turn. Get started now on a viral marketing campaign that will have the web talking about you, and you'll see the results in your future traffic and hopefully sales figures. So there you have it, as I said at the start it takes some thought, but do it and get it right and you'll be very pleased with the results.

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